Saturday, January 2, 2010

What's To Come/Why to Read

For those who've read my old blog, this is pretty much the same post over there, just updated.

I plan on using this blog to test out some stories I'm writing for my own comic universe. They will range from cats in trees to planet conquering aliens. I'm a big fan of play on world and mysteries; so anything from the name of a character to what they say, may hint at something to come. This universe is set in modern times but has Silver Age themes, so many stories will range from tongue in cheek to dead series.

Now the first year in the comics will focus on Virgil Huntre who is about to bring the Silver Age to life. This year also focuses on Nikoli Stile, a walking legend famous for starting the Era of Heroes, and The Victor, a crimefighter who started the Golden Age and whose death also ended it.

Like I said before this is for stories I'm writing, I can't even draw stick figures, so your welcome to submit your own takes on the descriptions. If I like yours and want to use it in my comics, I'll credit for your work and try to find someway to repay you, with a tribute character, some kind of public announcement, or something else.

Now for the reason you should care. I want your honest opinions. Are the stories lame? Did I tell a story in ten chapters that could have been told in five or less? Even tiny things. Did I misspell a word? Did I misuse a word? Did I use a ten dollar word when a dime word would have worked? This is an interactive process, so your opinions will have effect on the way I tell the stories.

Stay tuned for the first story. And please give your opinions.
