Sunday, February 7, 2010

Golden Age Sunday: Riding Sidecar Part 4

Riding Sidecar
Part IV

I cra parked The Co-Champion next to some bushes, took my helmet off, and checked to make sure that my mask was on straight. I was about to throw the helmet into the seat when I realized it was my only way to contact The Victor. I could try to get the radio out, but the helmet would be destroyed. I could just carry it with me, but that would limit my mobility and leave me open to attacks.

I had finally decided to risk leaving the helmet when I sensed someone behind. Spinning to face whatever it was, I found a long brown tail waiting for me. Suppressing a giggle, I curiously stepped closer to it. Yellow Tail meet Brown Tail. I was about to reach for it when it disappeared into the trees above.

Scrunching my face, I went over what I had just seen in my head. It almost looked like a MONKEY’S. Realizing I had been tricked, I was about to turn around when I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and heard someone laughing, “You try to catch Ateles, but Ateles catch you.” Falling to the ground, I realized I had been worrying about how to find Dorkin, when I should have been worrying about Dorkin finding me.
