Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fifth Temporal Tuesday

Okay going back to something I did two weeks ago, in fact I just do this every two weeks. Here's another history lesson from the PC Universe.

About a year after the appearance of Father Crime, a eccentric millionaire by the name Edward Mann(Mr. E. Mann) decided to try to take him down. All research into his past has proven that was in fact his real name.

Operating publicly, he tried and failed to take down the supervillain for decades. But, even though he could never take the criminal mastermind he was able to stop his criminal empire from spreading out of Europe.

Everything about Mr. E Mann's methods and looks could be explained. Even though his identity was public knowledge, he wore a mask because it allowed him to see in the dark and scan for evidence. He used a grappling gun because Father Crime legally owned most of the streets and could have charged him with trespassing. He drove a custom car because Father Crime use supped up vehicles to commit his crimes. He operated outside the law because Crime owned most of the government.

Mann retired shortly after Father Crime's disappearance but refused to comment if the two connected. Most experts believed that this would be the end of the costume beings and crazy masterminds, and other vigilantes. It would have been, if it wasn't for Nikoli Stile. But that's a story for another time.
