Sunday, April 4, 2010

Thirteenth Most Wanted Monday

Red Rouge: An aerobatic thief who specializes in medieval items, especially crimson ones, works to her own collection.

Real name: Kathy Lestrade

Age: 45
Ethnic group: Caucasian
Marital status: Single
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Red
Known accomplices: Emerald Elf
Abilities: Mistress of most medieval weapons, including the broad sword and crossbow.
Group affiliations: The Spectrum of Evil

Twelveth Most Wanted Monday

Blue Barbarian: A bloodthirsty savage that rampages around causing destruction just for the fun.

Real name: Ed Jackson

Age: 35
Ethnic group: Caucasian
Marital status: Single
Height: 7'
Weight: 400 lbs
Eyes: Black
Hair: Golden Brown
Known accomplices: Emerald Elf
Abilities: Skilled with most Viking weapons, capable of lifting up to 600 lbs
Group affiliations: Spectrum of Evil
