Here's another Victor Holiday Special. This one is told by an eight year old so the spelling and grammar mistakes are on purpose. At least that's the story I'm sticking with.
Dear Santa,
It's Marty again. Thank you for all the gifts you gave every one here. Penny liked her doll and Bryan liked his train set and I liked my bike. But that's not what I'm writing you about. I saw your bodyguard last night. Everyone at the house was asleep, probably dreaming of what they were going to get Christmas morning. Well, everyone but me. Marty snores in his sleep. When he finally rolled over and I was about to get some doze off when I heard a crash. Running downstairs I found a car in the living room. The hole that the snow was blowing in from had to be the way it got in. Two crooks, one really fat and the other really skinny, climbed out and started to argue with each other. After a minute, I was able to figure out that the fatty's name was Travis and his partner's name was Lee. They were arguing over whose idea it was to rob an orphanage on Christmas Eve and if they had lost whoever was chasing them or not. I started to wonder who they were talking about when we got our answers. The chimney exploded with ash making Travis, Lee, and me cough. After the cloud cleared I saw a man seven feet tall wearing a red costume and mask. He throw light from his hands that blinded every body. When I stop seeing stars I saw him tieing up the bad guys. After tossing them into the backseat he pushed the car out of the house. Giving me a friendly wink, he started to wave his hands around the hole making it fill up with some kind of mushy stuff. Turning to me he asked my name as he went around the room and started fixing the decarations and setting the tree back up. The car had made a mess of the place. I told him my name and asked who he was. Checking the gifts to see if they were okay he told me he was the Victor and tonight he was your little helper. Wishing me a good night he went out the door and let out a loud whistle. I ran to the window just in time to see a bright red motercyle pull up out of nowhere with no one driving it. Somehow hooking the car to it he jumped on the hood and whistled. As he rode off I heard him exclaim with a laugh, “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night.” I don’t know when I fell a sleep but Miss Casey woke me up in the morning. Everything was just like it was last night but there was a bike beside the tree with a note for me. The bad guys had ran over mine and the Victor had replaced it for you. So next year I don’t want anything just send the Victor again.